Compliance in business prevents your company and its (managing) directors and other business executives from being held liable for misbehavior within the company. To comply with existing legal
prescriptions becomes increasingly important and has long ceased to be a matter of large companies alone.
Being a certified "Compliance Officer (Univ.)" of Augsburg University, Dr. Markus Hohmuth advises with setting up and/or expanding your compliance management system. As a first step, the specific
risks, your business is individually subject to, will have to be assessed. Depending on the outcome of such assessment, a number of measures turns out to be necessary and reasonable to meet the
existing risks. Such measures may include, amongst others, regular compliance trainings of your staff which MH-Legal is glad to carry out for you. Even the best compliance management system,
however, is useless if the measures taken to ensure compliance are not controlled on a regular basis. MH-Legal thus supports your business also in this respect and will be glad to assume the role
as your external compliance officer.
Please see here for a summary of services!